"A Community of Caring"

Our Services

Fast, Friendly and Helpful!

ReNewed Faith Ministries

We must break the cycle of revolving-door assistance programs and build stronger communities with higher educated individuals that produce even more dynamic coming generations. RNFM is built to do a new thing, engage in a new way of helping those that need it most. Strong communities provide job opportunities for all, quality health care, and productive sustainable neighborhoods.


We shall deal truthfully and equally with all the people who we serve and do business with. By firmly adhering to our Code of Ethics, we trust and connect with all people.


We recognize that everyone is valuable and should be handled respectfully to prove that we care about them. We do this job because it is moral and because the rules of God direct our hands.


In the hearts of the people we represent, we nurture and inspire hope, giving them the opportunity to achieve their aspirations and look for a successful future.


We realize the value of our work and know that those we serve must be given the means to succeed, to negotiate with and provide the means to achieve respectfully.

ReNewed Faith Ministries

Displacement and Re-Educational Center

ReNewed Faith Ministries is a tax-exempt non-profit 501C(3) assisted-life center and food bank ministry that serves our world. Our initiative is designed to provide temporary residence and improve economic development, feed families, and promote the well-being for children, families, and the community. Through education or re-education, counseling, and utilizing self-evaluation and improvement classes we aim to enable people to make their life more self-sufficient.

Our programs would boost the family's capacity to take care of children and attain self-sufficiency targets. A higher minimum wage is an effective solution to underemployment, but the answer is to guarantee a positive future, achieving higher education for those working in low-wage occupations. In 5 to 7 years we will face an even bigger challenge, i.e. increased unemployment, so work will become redundant in many industries. 

Program Details

Becoming Your Own Woman, a women's support group that emphasizes women's empowerment. We encourage not only the individual growth of each woman, but the strength of women as a whole.

We strive for an atmosphere in which every woman feels free to express her concerns, needs, hopes, failings, etc. We foster togetherness, strength and loyalty among the women who attend. Through personal witnessing, support counseling, and respect.

Leading the Way for You and Family, is our men’s group focus. It is to reinforce the sense of self of men and remove certain unseen lines that often keep them from getting together and relying on each other. 

Its key goal is to promote a deep and long-lasting bond between the males of each generation by enabling them to be builders of strong, prosperous societies and households.

This is a program initiated by RNFM, which partners with local companies in the region to recruit residents for temporary permanent jobs and/or internships within their organization. It will allow residents to achieve jobs and develop modern, marketable career skills.

Skill training in office work, reception techniques, computer skills (Microsoft Word and Excel basics), and other different fields and occupations in a classroom setting.

Generation Gap is a weekly open forum event held every Thursday evening from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. It is intended to promote intergenerational contact between older and younger people.

Anyone may join, and we invite community members to come and enjoy these incredibly imaginative and exciting evenings. Experience this open-house experience aimed to facilitate open dialogue between participants and cross generational divides.

Our Customers Say


Your support would be such a wonderful way to ensure that people are helped and prosper, rather it's food, clothes or cash contributions.

    • Individual Plan

      $ 30 mo
      • Monthly Meals
      • Transportation Services
      • Monthly Budeget Plan
      • Savings Allowance
      • Care Package
      • Support Group
    • Family Plan

      $ 90 mo
      • Monthly Meals
      • Transportation Services
      • Monthly Budeget Plan
      • Savings Allowance
      • Care Package
      • Support Group