"A Community of Caring"

How To


How To


Help Today You can make a donation to help the operations of ReNewed Faith Ministries by using the following links below: PayPal, Amazon Smile, Benevityor by using Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.

  1. PayPal
  2. Amazon Smile
  3. Benevity
  4. Bitcoin


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ReNewed Faith Ministries


Mission Statement

Our programs can enhance the capacity of households to take care of children and reach self-sufficiency targets. Higher minimum wage is not an easy cure for under-employment, but pursuing higher education for those working in low-wage occupations is the response that will guarantee a positive future. Five or seven years from now, workers in fast food restaurants are due to become redundant, so we will be faced with an even greater dilemma, i.e. increased unemployment.

In contrast to the cost to neglect the malnutrition and under-educational crisis in that county and its effects on many health and crime problems, RNFM programs reflect a modest investment. The key focus will be the presentation of concrete, substantive plans that will include jobs for low-income households, improved educational opportunity for children and adults, and access to resources that will help them meet their personal objectives.
